
Great achievement of Iranian scientists in manufacturing Covid vaccine

The Execution of Imam Khomeini's Order was among the first organs to use its full capacities to manufacture the Iranian vaccine from the beginning of the Corona pandemic. In a letter to the Leader of the Islamic Revolution on 15th of June, 2021, Dr. Mohammad Mokhber informed him that this project has proved fruitful and they have been able to obtain the license for emergency use of the vaccine from the Ministry of Health. On this great achievement, KHAMENEI.IR conducted an interview with Dr. Mokhber, the Head of of the Execution of Imam Khomeini's Order.

Question: Recently, in a letter to the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, you formally announced the successful manufacture of the Iranian Covid vaccine. What degree of effectiveness does the vaccine manufactured by the Execution of Imam Khomeini's Order have compared to the other vaccines produced in the world, what is its level of effectiveness?


Dr. Mokhber: The COVIran Barakat has produced considerable results. According to the results of testing on humans in Phase 1 and 2, those who had been vaccinated by the COVIran Barakat vaccine with two 5-microrgram doses had 93.5% immunity in 28 days and had virus neutralization ability based on the VNT (virus neutralization test), which is considerable. This level of immunity indicates that the vaccine immunization has obtained excellent efficacy.


Question: Please explain about the scientific production team contributing to the manufacture of the Iranian vaccine?


Dr. Mokhber: The average age of the scientists involved in the research and manufacture of the vaccine is 35 years. It is interesting to know that all of them have graduated from domestic universities; it means that they have been nurtured and educated in the educational system of our own country. During the whole project and the manufacturing process, they were really active. For example, during the last year, they have been working 16 hours a day. Sometimes, we have had 36 consecutive hours. Overall, the process of research and manufacture of the vaccine has not been stopped unless on the days of Tasua and Ashura and anniversary of the martyrdom of Lady Fatima (pbuh) and we have been busy working.

Question: At the present time, what countries in the world have the ability to manufacture Corona virus vaccine? What is the position of Iran among these countries?


Dr. Mokhber: At the present time, India, China, England, the US, and Russia are able to manufacture Covid vaccine. Other countries of the world use the products of these five countries. The Islamic Republic of Iran is the sixth country to have achieved this ability. In western Asia, Iran is the first country to have manufactured a domestic vaccine.


Question: Please tell us a bit about the details of the industrial manufacture of the vaccine. Considering the capacities of the production line, how much time is needed for vaccinating all the Iranian people?


Dr. Mokhber: At the present time, two manufacturing phases have been considered for manufacturing the vaccine in the Shafa Pharmed Company. The first phase has a manufacturing capacity of 3 to 4 million doses in a month, which has been completely launched now. Phase 2 includes two production lines, which has been prepared and is being launched. The first production line of phase 2 has the capacity to produce 6 to 7 million doses (in a month). This line will be completely launched, God willing, in the middle of June. The second production line of this phase has been designed to have a production capacity of 20 to 22 million doses; we are working to launch it in August. If we don’t face any problems, with God’s help, if this level of vaccine manufacture is realized, based on the predictions, by the end of autumn, the vaccines needed for vaccinating all the Iranians will be domestic and will be produced relying on localized knowledge.

Question: Definitely you have dealt with many difficulties during this course as a result of the sanctions.


Dr. Mokhber: Yes!


Question: How did you achieve this success at the peak of the sanctions?


Dr. Mokhber: Sanctions sometimes caused a delay in our work and the project, but they could never stop it. In the Execution of Imam Khomeini’s Order, we used all our potential for supplying the equipment and materials needed for manufacturing the vaccine to prevent this project from being stopped even for one moment. Some of the sanctioned parts were supplied by the companies affiliated with the Execution and some were available in the Barakat Pharmaceutical Group affiliated with the Execution of Imam Khomeini’s Order. Some were also purchased from India and China. Overall, with regard to the sanctioned goods with no capacity to be supplied, an expert group provided the required items in the shortest time possible and the potentials of other domestic organs were also used in this path until the project materialized in the shortest time possible.