Utmost scientific progress with the greatest separation from humanitarian values and morals

What is important is that if there is an influential cultural orientation for channeling the efforts and movements of a society - one that is developing and that enjoys lofty scientific, social and worldly ideals - then this society will achieve salvation and happiness. But if there is not such a cultural, religious, divine and spiritual orientation in a society that is developing in scientific arenas, then the result will be the current situation in advanced western societies. The more these societies make progress, the farther away they will be from salvation, human values and justice. Today, you can see the peak of materialistic civilizations - in terms of science, wealth, military power and political and diplomatic diligence - in America. America is a country that enjoys great wealth. It enjoys a legendary military power and an extraordinary political dynamism, but the American society stands at the peak of separation from human values and virtues and from spirituality and morality. This has not been witnessed in any other society. Today, the most hideous, immoral, decadent and socially deviant acts have become legal and acceptable in this advanced society and in other similar societies. All human societies commit sins, but if a certain sin becomes legal and socially acceptable, if it is justified and invested in, this is an unprecedented deviation. Today, this deviation is clearly and visibly seen in American society which is known as the most advanced scientific, industrial, financial, economic and political society. You may see a man or a woman with a very neat and decent appearance. If anyone sees this man on the street and if anyone sees this woman in a store, they will not have any feeling of distrust towards their moral behavior. But the same man and the same woman turn into a ferocious wolf inside the Abu Ghraib prison in Baghdad. Beneath the neat appearance of this man and woman who have used perfume and who have worn ties, there is a wild dog. The photos which were published from Abu Ghraib prison shook and awakened even the most ignorant layers of western societies. The torturer was a woman. A woman should normally have feminine and delicate feelings. And the tortured were several Iraqi men. What was their crime? Their crime was being suspected of something. They were tortured to a disgusting extent. This society which has committed such crimes is an advanced scientific, industrial and civilized society with extravagant claims such as the leadership of human beings. When there is no spiritual guidance and no influential and healthy cultural orientation in a society, it will lead to such results. This was the great sin of the western civilization.