Prayers are an important means for defeating Corona

The Holy Quran commands us, “Say to the rejecters: ‘My Lord is not uneasy because of you if you are to call on Him’” [The Holy Quran, 25:77]. There is another ayah which says, “Turn you to our Lord in repentance and bow to His Will” [The Holy Quran, 39: 54]. And it says in another Sura, “Bring your Lord to remembrance in your soul, with humility and in reverence” [The Holy Quran, 7: 205]. There are many other ayahs in the Quran which order us to supplicate to Allah the Exalted and to ask for His help in the face of different incidents – whether natural incidents like this or various other incidents that happen to the country, to the nation and to ourselves. Sometimes, they say that we should say such and such prayers and perform such and such religious acts, but I have no specific recommendation in this regard. Praying means speaking to Allah the Exalted and asking for His help. I am very hopeful, especially about the pure and sincere hearts of the youth and about pious and religious personalities as they can ward off grave calamities with their prayers. In my opinion, this is not a very grave calamity and there have been graver ones. I myself have witnessed instances of these calamities. The people can eliminate many problems by praying, by supplicating, by relying on the immaculate Imams (greetings be upon them) and asking them to intercede on their behalf and by referring to the Holy Prophet of Islam. This is another word of advice that I have for you. If you want a specific dua, I advise you to read the 7th Dua of Sahifa al-Sajjadiyyah which is also in Mafatih al-Jinan: “Oh God, You are the only One capable of resolving great difficulties and blunting the sharpness of hardships...”.