The US cannot be trusted to help in controlling COVID-19
These days, we are faced with the spread of a rampant disease and pandemic. This virus is inflicting casualties and advancing in almost all countries in the world. Now, some countries announce what is happening in their countries and some do not. One understands from what they say that some of their statements are not very compatible with the reality. The virus is progressing. This disease is the manifestation of this ayah, “Be sure we shall test you with something of fear and hunger, some loss in goods or lives or the fruits of your toil.” It both causes panic – some people are really afraid – and creates economic problems. Besides, it inflicts loss, and it causes casualties and other damages. However, after that God says, “But give glad tidings to those who patiently persevere.” [The Holy Quran, 2: 155]. Patience is necessary here as well. Here, patience means doing the right thing and acting in a reasonable manner.
Of course, the honorable officials in this area have given certain instructions which should be acted on, God willing. Everyone should comply with them. These instructions are for the sake of saving your own lives and those of other people and for controlling this dangerous disease. Therefore, everyone should carry them out.
One of the issues related to the coronavirus, which will be good to speak about, is that American leaders have said several times that they are prepared to help us in the area of treatment and medication. They have repeated several times that all we need to do is to ask them to do so and then they will help us with medication and treatment. It is a strange comment to say that we should ask them for treatment and medication. First of all, you yourselves have shortcomings in that respect. The news that comes from the US and the statements that the Americans themselves make – the mayor of such and such a city, the head of public health in such and such an area and the head of such and such a hospital – reveal explicitly that they themselves have formidable shortcomings both in terms of preventative measures and of medication and the like. If you have anything and if you have ample resources, you could use them for your own sake!
Secondly, you Americans are accused of having produced the virus. I do not know how legitimate that accusation is, but when such an accusation exists, which reasonable individual can trust you with medication? Your medication might become an instrument for further spreading the disease. You have no credibility and you are not trustworthy. The medicines that you prescribe or export into our country might make the virus last even longer or prevent it from being controlled. If this accusation is legitimate and if you have produced the virus, well, you are capable of doing these things! Or if you want to send some people here as doctors and physicians, they might want to come here and see, up close, the effects of the poisonous virus that they have produced on the ground! This is because it is said that some forms of the virus have been created especially for Iran through their familiarity with Iranian genetics, which they have acquired in different ways. Well, such individuals might come here and see how it has worked with the aim of gathering information and intensifying their enmity. Therefore, this proposal is not something that anyone in Iran can accept.