
Arbaeen, Imam Hussain's (pbuh) global camp

The Arbaeen rally is unprecedented in history: such is your generous behaviour, in the true sense of the word![...]

The essence of this Arbaeen rally is truly an unprecedented event, not only in our own times but also in history. We do not know of any similar gathering in history which is organized more warmly every year. It is unprecedented. This Hussain movement is influential in raising awareness about Imam Hussain (pbuh). With the rally that primarily takes place between Najaf and Karbala every year, Arbaeen has become global. The people all over the world are glued to this movement. Imam Hussain (pbuh) and Hussaini knowledge have become global thanks to this great popular movement.

Today, we need to get the world to know Hussain ibn Ali. The world – which is suffering from oppression, corruption, malevolence and vice – needs to know the Hussaini liberation spirit and sentiment. Today, the hearts of people throughout the world and the hearts of youth and innocent nations beat for such a truth. If Imam Hussain (pbuh) is introduced to the world, it is actually Islam and the Quran which have been introduced.


Today, they propagandize against Islam and Islamic teachings with hundreds of means. Against this hostile move made by the camp of kufr and arrogance, it is the movement of Hussaini understanding which can single-handedly resist, stand firm and introduce the truth of Islam and of the Quran to the world.

The logic of Hussain ibn Ali (pbuh) is the logic of defending the truth and resistance against oppression, transgression, deviation and arrogance. This is the logic of Imam Hussain. Today, the world needs this logic. Today, the world is witness to the rule of kufr, arrogance and corruption. The world is witness to the rule of oppression. The message of Imam Hussain is the salvation of the world. The great movement of Arbaeen conveys this message to the whole world and by Allah’s favor and grace, this movement should be strengthened on a daily basis.

Arbaeen has become global and it will be more so in the future. This is the blood of Hussain ibn Ali which is welling after the passage of 1,400 years! This blood will become fresher and livelier on a daily basis. This is the message of Ashura which was issued from the throat of Abi Abdullah [Imam Hussain] and of Zaynab al-Kubra (pbuh) at the height of their loneliness! Today, this message has imbued the whole world. Hussain (pbuh) belongs to humanity. We Shias are proud of being the followers of Imam Hussain, but Imam Hussain does not only belong to us. Islamic denominations, Shia and Sunni, are all standing under the flag of Imam Hussain. Even those who do not follow Islam participate in this rally and this will continue, God willing.

Sep 18, 2019