Imam Khamenei

Islam’s school of thought raises the bravest fighters


I have received letters from some of the captives of war [imprisoned in Iraq] during the past two years since the ceasefire, which were sent to their families. When the families learned that the letters were addressed to me, they would bring the letters for me. I also replied to many of these letters. They wrote to me saying that we should not bribe the enemy for their freedom; it was the captives who wrote that. This is extremely important for a nation that the ones confined by the enemy write saying they want to be freed with dignity; rather than acting like non-believers, repeatedly beseeching us for doing anything to liberate them. They wrote to us saying they did not want us to be humiliated before the enemy for the sake of their freedom. We have had such cases, which are part of the documents of our national honor and will be protected forever.


The same was true on the side of the families and the nation. Though the parents, mothers, wives and children were suffering, they never created problems for the officials and they never pressured them. They knew the officials were working hard, so that the captives will be freed with dignity and honour—which, the Almighty God assisted us in achieving. This was also God’s will. Whatever progress we achieve is God’s will and resolve. We have no power [without Him]. Of course, our brothers in the government worked hard; but God’s Grace and the divine Willpower paved the ground and made this happen. It was God’s will, and the future will be the same.  

Imam Khamenei, August 26, 1990