Be the first to declare repudiation to idolaters
Another issue is the issue of expressing hatred [for the enemies]. The issue of expressing our hatred of kufar and polytheists is very important. All Muslim nations should take a leading role in this task. In our opinion, Saudi Arabians themselves should take a leading role in this matter. Those who host hajj pilgrimage should carry out this task. They should pursue it more seriously than Iranian guests and the guests of other countries. This is their responsibility. There is no doubt that global arrogance is not on good terms with the world of Islam. And this is not only a feeling. Rather, they express their grudge and enmity. Their enmity does not mean that they sit idle and watch. This is not the case. They show their enmity. Their intention is to do something so that the world of Islam becomes completely empty of the truth of Islam. This is not something that requires proof and evidence. This can be witnessed by all those Muslims whose eyes are open. They are the enemies of Muslims. They like to see the destruction of the world of Islam so that they can dominate Muslim nations. They want Islam not to exist so that they can dominate their resources and promote their culture in Islamic countries. They want to turn them into a second-hand and lower version of their own people.