The Muslim woman's duty is to revive her identity

For years, on the mainstream media across the world, those who attribute no value to the female gender, or humanity and human values, except with relation to gaining money—which unfortunately plays an important role in all arenas of today’s Western culture—have also rendered the matter of women to a capital and a means of producing profits in various arenas. They discuss it, they educate the public on it, and they promote it, manipulating the minds of men and women all over the world into a major temptation and deviation. In such a situation, a Muslim woman should ponder on Islamic teachings and values and observe the limits that the Islamic establishment has put in place for the progress of men and women, and revive her identity. So she can make the powerful reasoning win over the temptations and fallacy of the agents of Zionism, Capitalism and the rich of the world. Islam stood up to the Ignorance that oppressed women: at the level of spirituality, thinking and human values; and in the level of her political presence; and most importantly, at the level of the family. A man and a woman make a small society called a family: if in a society, the system of values is not appropriate, the first point where the woman is oppressed is within the family. In all the three areas, Islam provides a system of values.