Do not forget forbidding what is wrong

And through "resolving discord, spreading good behavior and covering faults". We should improve the relationship between those who have problems with each other. When it comes to revealing things about other people, we should only reveal their good characteristics. If you know about a good thing that a person or a government official has done, that is what you should reveal about him. Conversely, you must not go public with a negative thing that you happen to know about a particular person. But this does not mean that you should not advise them against bad deeds. Those who are doing something wrong should be told in private what is wrong with what they are doing. But revealing such things in public is not advisable. There are many things that can be said in this regard. What I said is only part of the dua. There were 22, 23 points in the dua and I only touched on 6, 7 of them. We should push our hearts in this direction. We should ask God to "clothe us in the ornaments of the God-fearing". After all, we have no other option. Fasting has been made obligatory so that we can "learn self-restraint". [The Holy Quran, 2: 183]. God prescribed fasting so that we can observe piety. These are some of the requirements of piety.