Heartfelt relation between each and every believing man and woman with his eminence-- the greatest Wali of Allah-- is one of the blessings resulting from our people’s belief in the promised Mahdi (may God hasten his reappearance). In addition to believing in Mahdi-- the fact that someone will come and spread justice all around the world-- we know the personality of Mahdi; his name and his cognomen; his father and mother; his birth date; how he disappeared; his close companions, and even some incidents that are to unfold around the time of his appearance. Even though we do not meet this great personality—this brilliant individual and glowing sun around us—by recognizing him, we are aware of his status. The relation between the Shia with this belief and their Wali, the promised Mahdi, is a permanent relation, and it would be great, even necessary, that each and every one of us keep this heartfelt relation with attention to, appealing to, and talking to him. According to the Ziarats (supplications) that are available to us, narrated by most probably an infallible imam, this heartfelt and spiritual relation between individuals and Imam Mahdi, is recommended, even necessary and effective; because that it keeps hope and prospect constantly alive in one's heart.