What are the epitomes of awaiting salvation?

Awaiting redemption and salvation [through the reappearance of Imam Mahdi] in our era-- when humans are afflicted with oppressions and sufferings-- is an example of awaiting redemption; however, awaiting redemption has other forms, too. When we are told to await redemption, it does not only refer to the final redemption [reappearance of Imam Mahdi (a.s.)]. Instead, it means that any dead-end can be opened; any problem can be resolved. This is the true meaning of redemption: salvage. Learning from awaiting, a Muslim is taught redemption and is taught that there is no dead-end in human life which cannot be opened; or that humans can lose hope and stop acting on the pretext that it would be useless. Never! When at the final stage of human life, against the myriad of oppressive and merciless actions, the sun of redemption will rise, then, in daily dead-ends of life, redemption is expected, too. This is the lesson of hope for all humans; this is the lesson that true awaiting offers to all the humans. Thus, awaiting redemption is regarded as the best of actions.