
Why does the West seek to destroy the culture of hijab, promote nudity?

Our culture is a divine culture. This culture guarantees our independence and our freedom. Those who promote decadence in the name of freedom are not free; rather, they are slaves whose hands have been tied by western culture: it is a western culture which guides them. What kind of freedom is this? Freedom results from having and pursuing your own intentions, your own faith, your own thoughts, your own Quran, and your own Islamic paradigm: these points represent freedom.--This is great, this is liberty, and this should be provided.

What is done on the streets is considered as public and social; it is public instilling. This creates obligations for a government which operates in the name of Islam. There is no difference between small and great ‘haram’ [sinful act]. What is illegal and haram should not be committed in public. If someone does something wrong, in private, this is between them and God; but the Islamic government–like the government of the Commander of the Faithful–is obliged to stand up against what is committed in front of the people's eyes and in the social environment. The idea which upholds, "You should allow the people to make their own decisions" exists for selling wine too. Well, we should legalize wine in the country, so that people drink it if they like and avoid drinking it if they do not like it! Is this a reasonable statement? It can be applied to all grave social sins. Is this a reasonable idea? The Holy Legislator has obliged the Islamic government to prevent the promotion of what is haram in the divine law, in a society. The Islamic government is responsible for standing up against haram and sins.

Today, we are proud of our women's willingness to wear hijab inside the country. While wearing the chador – chador is an Iranian model of hijab – and while wearing Islamic hijab, Iranian women have achieved the highest rankings in science. They have achieved some of the highest artistic and cultural rankings. They are among the best women in the world, and they have influenced social issues. At the same time, they have been committed to housekeeping, raising their children, and caring for their husbands. If we intend to, constantly, maneuver the laws in order to pursue deviant western civilization, this is a grave mistake; however, some people make this mistake…


Our culture is a divine culture. This culture guarantees our independence and our freedom. Those who promote decadence in the name of freedom are not free; rather, they are slaves whose hands have been tied by western culture: it is a western culture which guides them. What kind of freedom is this? Freedom results from having and pursuing your own intentions, your own faith, your own thoughts, your own Quran, and your own Islamic paradigm: these points represent freedom.--This is great, this is liberty, and this should be provided.

March 8, 2018,


Hijab is a value in accordance with the nature of human. Nudity and moving towards more mingling of the two sexes and exposing them to one another is a move against the human nature and volition. The holy Shariah of Islam has also set out certain restrictions and limits for it and those who are believers and religious cannot disapprove of hijab. Of course there might be people who are uninformed or ignorant. One should first familiarize them with hijab. During the early years after the revolution, I clearly realized that women who practice hijab, yet do not appreciate it well, do not have any information about the law, philosophy and benefits of hijab. That is to say, they have seldom been told about it. Of course some authors wrote about it; we advised them and they made efforts. I think this is the same today, especially on university campuses. Thank God, I heard the university environment is a good one; the officials of the University are also observant and pious. We hope that the more we move on, the better it gets.

February 23, 1999


There is a large number of educated Muslim believing ladies who are studying or teaching the most prominent sciences at the highest levels at universities; and they are a source of pride for the Islamic establishment. There are ladies who are—thank God—work at the most prominent specializations in medicine and various Sciences; in the field of humanities, in the field of experimental science, and other various fields. There are ladies who have progressed to and achieved the highest levels in the field of religious studies. Once there was one lady in Iran— in the city of Isfahan— known as the “Isfahani Lady[1]”, who was a very prominent lady. She was a jurisprudent, a mystic and a mujtahid. But there was only her. Today, however, thank God there are many young girls who in the near future will achieve the highest scientific, jurisprudential and philosophical levels. They are a source of pride for the Islamic establishment: this is progress.

The west wants to impose its culture on everywhere. The culture of the West is the culture of nudity. Of course, I should tell you that, this nudity, this corruption, this licentiousness, this scandalous manner that some women in many western countries have adopted are not, thank God, pervasive in the West either. This is, however, what is growing on a daily basis due to their own wrongful advertising and propaganda. Otherwise, until 40 or 50 years ago, even in the western countries this was not so widespread. Now, they want to export the corruption and licentiousness that they have been afflicted with to Islamic countries. But, we do not want it. This is harmful to social life. And it is harmful for them too. It is harmful, no matter where it happens. The Islamic method is the best for us. During the events of the revolution and after the revolution until now, our women have demonstrated that they stand at the highest levels when it comes to matters which are the true criteria of life; at their principles and values. A mother who sacrifices her children on the path of God and on the path of achieving the ultimate goal—a goal which is sacred to her and to God—yet, does not even frown upon the loss has fulfilled a very prominent deed. This is not insignificant. Regardless of how you evaluate and assess it, this is magnificent. Has not the young lady who has respected her and her husband’s honor for 10, 11 years while her husband was captivated by the enemy—and who has come out of this trial with utmost virtuousness, honor and chastity--  done a great valuable deed?! These are valuable.


October 12, 1994


[1] Hajiyeh Seyyedeh Nosrat Begum Amin, also known as Banu Amin, Lady Amin, was the first Iranian woman to become a jurisprudent.