
What are the two main duties of Muslim countries regarding the crisis in the region?

You can see the signs, presently: the tragic events in Yemen, the events in Syria, and the events which took place in Iraq and other Islamic countries. The solution begins when Muslim nations discover the main reason for this all this turmoil. The main reason stems from the enmity of the front of arrogance against the Islamic community and Ummah: this is at the core of the issue.

It seems that one of the most important factors and elements, which can be a source of dignity and honor for the Holy Prophet of Islam, for Muslims, and for the Islamic Ummah is the unity of the Islamic Ummah and the elimination of discord.


Dear brothers, dear sisters, today the policies of the Arrogant Front are creating tension and discord among Muslim nations and even among the people of these nations. Today, this is the doing of the enemies' policy. It is a plan that plotters and schemers, of the criminal US and the Zionist regimes, devised for our country because it is one of the most important Islamic regions.


You can see the signs, presently: the tragic events in Yemen, the events in Syria, and the events which took place in Iraq and other Islamic countries. The solution begins when Muslim nations discover the main reason for this all this turmoil. The main reason stems from the enmity of the front of arrogance against the Islamic community and Ummah: this is at the core of the issue. Muslims must take a stand against the policies of the Arrogant Front. Standing up to the West is the responsibility of government members, political officials, and the religious, cultural personalities throughout the Islamic World. Another severe problem the Zionist regime, which has been planted in the heart of the Islamic World for the sake of creating discord, causing sedition, and posing threats.


The Zionist regime will not survive. All historical experiences, certainly, dictate and convey this message. The Zionist regime has fundamental problems. Today, the Americans, the elements in the Zionist regime, itself, and some weak-willed governments, which are obedient to the US, think that by establishing overt or covert diplomacy with the Zionist regime, they can solve some problems. --This is not the case. The problems caused by the Zionist regime will not be solved by the existence or non-existence of a diplomatic relationship with other governments. It is not the case that problems initiated by the Zionist regime will be resolved should two, three governments – more or less – establish relations with it or break the taboo of establishing relations with "Israel" and join hands with it. The Zionist regime's biggest problem stems from its lack of legitimacy: the Zionist regime is illegitimate; the formation of this regime is based on a lie.


Zionists expelled a people from their country by force, via massacres and threats, and with the help of armed forces: they did this to a historical nation. The Palestinian nation is not an illegitimate or newly-emerged nation: the same is true of the country of Palestine. Are they able to eliminate Palestine's map from the historical-geographical memory of the world? Is this possible? Even if they force several weak-willed countries in the Middle-Eastern region into establishing diplomatic relations with the Zionist regime, this will not solve their problem: the source of their problems stems from lack of legitimacy.

June 15, 2018