Nazionism 720

'The obscenity of supporting Zionists is no less than supporting Nazis'

Today, the behavior of Europeans and Americans [in U.S.], or the materialistic civilization, represents a huge contradiction. They reject the racist behavior of Nazis against the Jews; but, surprisingly, they support Zionists who share some common or similar aspects with the Nazis.

The principle matter is that a new, very dangerous and impudent Hitlerism has risen in recent times. They [Zionists] act just like Hitler, when he prepared for the Second World War. At the time, when Hitler started attacking other European countries, he justified his actions to the global public by saying Germany needed more living space; that is, the country of Germany was too small for the nation and government of Germany. They needed a much vaster space to be able to breathe and survive. This is how Hitler justified his action to his people and the global public: a nonsensical and injudicious justification.

Ayatollah Khamenei, March 21, 2003

Today, the behavior of Europeans and Americans [in U.S.], or the materialistic civilization, represents a huge contradiction. They reject the racist behavior of Nazis against the Jews; but, surprisingly, they support Zionists who share some common or similar aspects with the Nazis. The obscenity of supporting the Zionists is no less than supporting the Nazis and Hitler; and the materialistic civilizations, of Europe and the U.S., have no response to this major contradiction.

Meeting with Roger Garaudy; April 20, 1998

The essence of Europe is visible in the First and Second World Wars. The true Europe is represented in Hitler’s Gas Chambers and Crematoria. Did Hitler rise out of Africa? [Sarcasm]Even today, if the Europeans took their attention away from their international goals outside of Europe, they will start fights and conflicts again. The nature of Europe is: if you refer to the history, you cannot find a period, since 2000 years ago, when Europeans were not involved in war. The European countries, though small in number and size, either have been fighting with each other or with others. Once, Europe itself was at peace and secure. They started reaching out to all parts of the world and plundering the capitals of other nations: destroying Algeria, destroying India, demolishing Maghreb, demolishing the Middle East, emptying the Iranian oil wells, etc… When the Europeans were reconsolidated, they were involved in such measures. The Western governments are as such. No doubt, they are pioneers in science. I believe that if someone wants to visualize the actual state of this assemblage, they should visualize the face of a bloodthirsty, prominent scientist, as depicted in fiction. Prominent and genius, but destructive and violent! I should add a fact to make my view clear: I never intend to overgeneralize and attribute these features to all people in Europe. No. In Europe there are many nice and good-hearted people with great qualities.

Ayatollah Khamenei, January 23, 1995