Imam Khamenei and the youth

Volunteering cures the malady of feeling superior to others: Ayatollah Khamenei

One of the dangers for those individuals who have a privilege is that they might feel they are superior to and different from others. This is a dangerous personality fault, a personality malady. You should not allow this malady to develop inside you; one way to do so is to strengthen the spirit of volunteering for the sake of God and work on yourselves.

You should prefer the spirit of voluntary work (jihadi work) to the spirit of superiority. One of the dangers for those individuals who have a privilege is that they might feel they are superior to and different from others. They might feel that they are mostly superior to others. This is a grave danger. This is a dangerous personality fault, a personality malady. You should not allow this malady to develop inside you; one way to do so is to strengthen the spirit of volunteering for the sake of God and work on yourselves. "Jihadi spirit" means carrying out tasks for the sake of God, considering work as one's duty and bringing all of your forces to the arena on the path of a righteous cause. This is jihadi (volunteering) spirit.


In order to strengthen such spirit in yourselves, your presence in volunteering camps will be very beneficial. You should not say that your time will be wasted in such camps; this is actually the best way of using your time. Doing jihadi voluntary work, you can get the most and the best out of your time. You should study your lessons, carry out your research and do your tasks, but you should also participate in volunteering camps that last for a few weeks per year; because they will help you become familiar with the people and with the problems and maladies of the society which officials usually fail to see. Some officials are not aware of the realities of the society. They only see their surrounding environment and a limited radius around themselves. They are not at all aware of what is happening in villages, in remote cities and within poor families. I have frequently witnessed this throughout my 20, 30-year experience.

In the present time, you are young, energetic and tolerant. You have enough time and you do not have many preoccupations. Therefore, you should benefit from this opportunity. The volunteering camps are one of the best opportunities. By participating in such camps you will be directly in touch with the people and you will gain a sense of responsibility. When you render services in a direct way, then rendering services will become dear to you and you will find the existing weak points.


October 17, 2015