
US's "New Middle East" is the Middle East of terrorism: Ayatollah Khamenei

The U.S. spoke about “The New Middle East”. Now we understand what “The New Middle East” is: it is the Middle East of war, the Middle East of terrorism, the Middle East of prejudice and reactionary attitude and the Middle East of fighting against each other.


The world of Islam should stand up against perpetrators of terrorism

If the world of Islam is harmed on the issue of Yemen and on different other issues in the world of Islam – on the issue of Syria and on the issue of Iraq – the Americans are the accomplices. It is their support that causes these brazen and shameless individuals to show such treachery and to stab the heart of the Islamic Ummah in a treacherous manner. It is because of their support that they do such things.

Another important point is that propaganda machines and – in fact – spy apparatuses of the west and the like are trying to portray this as a quarrel between Islamic nations, between Shia and Sunni, and between Arabs and non-Arabs. This is a blatant lie. This is not a quarrel between Shia and Sunni. Most of those individuals who were martyred in the event of Mina were Sunnis. In our own country, there are a large number of Sunni families [whose dear ones were martyred in Mina]. So, the issue is not about Arabs and non-Arabs. These individuals do not show any mercy to Arabs and non-Arabs.

You witness that they commit crimes in Yemen. Well, Yemen is an Arab country. Syria is an Arab country. Iraq is an Arab country. Their agents – those terrorist, murderous and cold-hearted groups who are creating all these disasters in the world of Islam with their money and their weapons – are all Arabs. Therefore, the issue is not about Arabs and non-Arabs. It is the treacherous propaganda of westerners that wants to describe this as a quarrel between Shia and Sunni or a quarrel between Arabs and non-Arabs. This is one of their propaganda tricks, which is of course completely untrue. The issue is that they are an intra-Islamic group which is busy working as the enemy of the Islamic Ummah. Some of them do this knowingly and some do it unknowingly.

The world of Islam should stand up against them. The world of Islam should express their hatred of them and of their masters, namely America, nasty England and faithless and immoral western powers. The world of Islam should know what it is doing.

September 7, 2016


The bogus coalition against terrorism

Everyone expresses their hatred of terrorism in words and sometimes, they pretend that they are taking action against terrorism. As our honorable President said, they form a false, fake and bogus coalition against terrorism. But this is not the case in reality. In reality, they promote terrorism.

We have not forgotten the days when – this happened in the early days of the Syrian events – the U.S. ambassador went to the Syrian opponents to encourage them and to urge them to turn a political dispute into a civil war. Is this a small matter? Well, political disputes exist in many countries. Why should they turn political disputes into a war? And that is a war among people in a country. It is a war of fratricide! And then with haraam money from oil revenues, they employ some youth from different corners and send them there! This is happening in Syria and in Iraq in different ways. In the present time, it has been extended to other countries as well. It has been extended to Bangladesh, Turkey and other countries. It is these events which are creating such disasters for the world of Islam and which is causing this insecurity. Why should we not know our enemy?  


July 6, 2016


They want to wage a war between Shia and Sunni

Well, the enemy is the enemy and his plans are to the disadvantage of nations. This is the case in our region. You remember that a few years ago, the Americans spoke about “The New Middle East”. At that time, we did not correctly understand what they wanted to do and why they had called it “The New Middle East”. Now we understand what “The New Middle East” is: it is the Middle East of war, the Middle East of terrorism, the Middle East of prejudice and reactionary attitude and the Middle East of fighting against each other. There is a war in Syria, there is a war in Iraq and there is a war in Libya. Terrorism is common in all these countries. There is terrorism in Turkey and there is terrorism in other places as well. This is “The New Middle East”. This is what they have been looking for. Of course, they deny it, but one has eyes and a brain and one can see these things. They want to wage a war between Shia and Sunni, they want to arm domestic agents and they want to set them on nations and governments. This is their “New Middle East”. They should know America.


January 20, 2016