Concern for Muslim Community

من أصبح من أمتي وهمّته غيراللّه فليس من اللّه ومن لم يهتمّ بأمور المسلمين فليس منهم ومن أقرّ بالذل طائعاً فليس منّا أهل البيت

Of my Ummah the one whose efforts are for someone other than Allah, is not a man of God; the one who does not conscientiously attend to Muslims affairs,  is not considered one of them; and the one who obediently accepts humiliation is not one the members of the Prophet's (SWA) household.


(Tohfatul Oqul, p. 47)





Anybody who spends a night [in worship] while his motives and intentions remain unaffected by Allah's satisfaction will not be considered among the soldiers of Allah. And anybody who spends a night [in worship] while being indifferent to what benefits or harms the Muslim community will not be considered among true Muslims. The commitment to attend to Muslims' affairs has various manifestations. One outstanding manifestation is attending to the affairs of the Islamic Ummah and to the glory, power and rule of Muslims. Considering the requirements of the needy is another manifestation of this commitment. Those who willingly give in to humiliation are not considered among the Holy Prophet's household. However, one must be cognizant of the fact that giving in to humiliation does not only occur before political powers but it also occurs before the wealthy. Man must not give in to humiliation for the sake of worldly wealth and to satiate his avarice. According to a tradition, a believer may accept anything but humiliation.