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If US commits any malicious act against Iran, it will receive severe blows

On the first day of the year 1404 in the Iranian solar calendar [March 21, 2025], the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Khamenei, met with thousands of people from various walks of life.

During the meeting, which took place in the Imam Khomeini Hussainiyah, the Leader spoke about the Iranian tradition of welcoming the New Year with prayers, supplications, and gatherings in sacred places, viewing it as a reflection of the nation's spiritual outlook on Nowruz. He characterized the past year as one marked by patience, resilience, and the manifestation of the Iranian people's spiritual strength, while also explaining the significance of prayer and steadfastness in achieving significant victories for the Front of Truth throughout history.

Imam Khamenei described the current period during the month of Ramadan as dedicated to Imam Ali (pbuh) and emphasized that the Iranian people and Muslim nations should turn to the Nahj al-Balaghah to draw lessons from Imam Ali (pbuh), who is regarded as the greatest human being after the Prophet (pbuh). He also advised individuals active in the cultural field to "pay special attention to studying and teaching this magnificent book."

Imam Khamenei described the Nights of Qadr as a valuable opportunity for prayer and supplication to the Almighty. "Each hour of these nights is worth an entire lifetime, and seeking intercession from the Imams, coupled with the prayers of the people – especially the youth – has the power to change their destiny and the fate of an entire nation’s life," he remarked. 

In the continuation of his remarks, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution referred to the statements of US politicians about Iran, stating, " The US must know that when facing Iran, threats will never achieve anything." He further added, "The US and others must know that if they commit any malicious act against the Iranian nation, they will receive a severe blow."

Imam Khamenei described the interpretation of US and European politicians regarding the Resistance centers as Iranian proxy forces as a major mistake and an insult to these groups. "Why do you label them as proxies? The people of Yemen and the Resistance centers in the region have an inner motive to stand against the Zionists, and the Islamic Republic of Iran does not need proxies. Our stance is clear, and so is theirs."

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution described the steadfastness and resistance against the malicious and oppressive acts of the Zionist regime as a deeply rooted matter in the region. "When Palestine was first occupied, one of the countries that stood against the Zionist regime’s oppression was Yemen, whose ruler at the time participated in an international assembly to oppose the occupation of Palestine," he remarked.

He referred to the expansion of protests against the crimes of the ruthless Zionist regime against non-Muslim nations, as well as the popular and student demonstrations in the United States and European countries. "Western officials resort to actions such as cutting university funding for students who have protested in favor of Palestine, which, of course, is also a reflection of their claims regarding free flow of information, liberalism, and human rights," he stated.

Imam Khamenei underscored the opposition of nations to the malice of the Zionist regime and their resistance against through all available means. He added that "The Islamic Republic of Iran also stands firm against this malevolence and has clearly articulated its consistent position and approach, which is to support the Palestinian and Lebanese fighters who are defending their countries."

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution emphasized once again in response to the threats of Iran's adversaries, "We have never been the initiators of conflict or confrontation with anyone. However, if anyone acts with malice and starts [trouble], they should know that they will face severe blows."

Elsewhere in his address, while referring to the ongoing expenses of the Front of Truth in the battle against the Front of Falsehood, he added, "We must view the events of the past year with the understanding that in the battle between truth and falsehood, victory will undoubtedly belong to the Front of Truth. However, sacrifices must be made along this path, just as this divine tradition was evident during the Sacred Defense."

While referring to the loss of prominent individuals over the past year, Imam Khamenei stated that the ultimate outcome of enduring these bitter events and maintaining "steadfastness and seeking help from the Lord" was the defeat of the enemies, particularly the corrupt, wicked, and vile Zionist regime. He emphasized that during the challenging year of 1403 ASH, the nation’s spiritual strength, patience, courage, and bravery were remarkably evident.

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution described the epic farewell of Martyr Raisi’s body, the remarkable turnout at the Nasr Friday Prayer despite enemy threats, the enthusiastic participation of the Iranian populace in the presidential elections, and the meaningful funeral processions of Martyr Haniyeh and other commanders who were martyred due to attacks by the Zionist regime, as manifestations of the Iranian nation’s spiritual strength and morale.

He further noted, "The historic 22nd of Bahman rally was the peak of this process, showcasing the loyalty of the Iranian nation to the Islamic Revolution and their commitment to the Islamic Republic, sending a clear message to all the oppressors and hypocrites worldwide, while highlighting the Iranian nation’s presence on the global stage." 

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution emphasized the necessity of understanding the nation’s characteristics and identity within the country. "The burden of economic and livelihood problems can depress and discourage any population. However, the strong and courageous nation of Iran, despite all the challenges they encountered over the past year, stepped forward and defended the Islamic system," he stated.

Imam Khamenei underscored that the reason for his repeated emphasis on the issue of production in the slogans he has declared in recent years is the fundamental impact that production can have on improving the country's economic situation and the livelihood of the people. The Leader of the Islamic Revolution considered all forms of investment in production, regardless of size, to be both advantageous and necessary. He stated, "Everyone, whether they have limited funds for small-scale production or are major economic players, should invest their assets in production."

Imam Khamenei emphasized that the government's primary responsibility in fulfilling this year's slogan is to facilitate and create opportunities for public investment.
Continuing his remarks, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution acknowledged the officials' concerns regarding the improvement of people's livelihoods. "The country's officials are committed to improve people’s living conditions. However, this matter cannot be achieved solely through supportive measures. It requires fundamental actions, one of which is investment."