In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
All praise is due to God, Lord of the Worlds, and may peace and greetings be upon our Master and our Prophet, Abul-Qasim al-Mustafa Muhammad, and upon his untainted, pure, chosen Progeny, the guiding and the guided, particularly the Remnant of God on earth.
I extend my congratulations on this blessed occasion of Eid al-Mab’ath to you, the esteemed audience, to the entire Iranian nation, to the great Islamic Ummah, to all those who wish for freedom, and to the free people of the world. The Holy Prophet’s Mab’ath is truly a day for celebration for the free people of the world.
This year, the anniversary of Eid al-Mab’ath coincides with the victorious month of Bahman. We hope the movement that took place in the month of Bahman, the movement of the Islamic Revolution and the path we are following — since the intention of the founder of this movement [Imam Khomeini] was to follow the Prophet and the Bi’tha — will continue and move forward along this same course, God willing.
I appreciate the very good, beneficial words of our esteemed president. We hope, God willing, that we will be able to carry out the points he mentioned, by God’s grace.
I would like to say a few words about the Bi’tha, followed by a brief discussion concerning the events taking place around us. The Bi’tha is one of the most blessed, significant events both in the world and throughout human history. That is, it’s not an ordinary event. It’s one of the greatest events in human history. Major events have numerous effects on various domains, on the individual, on society [, and more]. However, one of the most important, if not the most important, effects of major events is creating intellectual and perceptual transformations in the audience. A major event or transformation can affect the realities of people’s lives and be permanent only when it is capable of bringing about an intellectual transformation in its audience.
When people’s thinking is corrected, deeds will also be corrected. This is generally the case. The system of life is based on the thoughts and ideas of those who run it. If a transformation, a thought, an understanding and a perception of the world takes place in individuals and societies, then political, economic, moral, and social systems will be formed and structured accordingly. From this perspective, the Prophet’s Bi’tha is something remarkable. Well, the distinctive aspects of the Bi’tha compared to other significant events are numerous, though this is not our focus here. But considering this specific characteristic, the Bi’tha of the Holy Prophet stands out extraordinarily. Consider the transformation it brought about: the individuals, the thoughts, the behaviors, and the societies it encountered and how it transformed them into different individuals, societies, and people — both in its own time and throughout history. So what is the reason behind this transformation?
In other words, what tools do prophets, including the Noble Prophet of Islam, have when they want to bring about this transformation? What is the factor that creates such a transformation? It’s two things: reason and faith. Reason and faith. Reason is a unique power that God Almighty has given to all human beings. Some activate and use this power, but many others do not. Faith, like reason, is also innate within all human beings. Faith in the truth and faith in God exist within every individual. But people forget it. Prophets came to awaken our reasoning and to remind humanity of their faith. You can observe how often in the Quran the concept of "zikr,” remembrance of God, is repeated. This faith exists within you and me.
They have to remind us of this and bring it to our attention. When reason and faith are awakened, life thrives. Each of these has its own function. Then, a person who possesses reason and faith will be able to find the path of life, the straight path, and walk upon it. In the Quran, for example, references to reason are repeated tens of times, “Will they not use their reason?” (36:68), “So that you may use your reason” (2:242), “So that they may reflect” (16:44), “Do they not contemplate?” (47:24), and “And They will say, ‘Had we listened or applied reason’” (67:10). That is, the emphasis on reason, attention to it, and using it is a prominent principle in the Quranic teachings. Every Muslim must know that they must be involved with reason, work with it, use it, increase it, and develop it.
Regarding faith, the first and foremost message in the call of all the prophets has always been tawhid [monotheism]. Monotheism is not merely the simple belief that there is a god and there is one God. Monotheism is the very framework of the Islamic worldview. No matter which aspect of the Islamic worldview we examine, we ultimately come to monotheism. This same monotheism forms the foundation of the Islamic society as well. For instance, you see in Surah Al-A’raf, when it describes the prophets and their messages — the prophets Noah, Hud, Salih, and others — the first thing they says is, “O my people, worship Allah! You have no other god besides Him” (7:59). Monotheism. Alongside monotheism, the concept of the Hereafter is also emphasized.
In the same holy verse, it says, “O my people, worship Allah! You have no other god besides Him. Indeed, I fear for you the punishment of a tremendous day” (7:59). This “tremendous day” refers to the Day of Judgment. Similarly, in Surah Ash-Shu’ara, when mentioning the prophets one by one, their initial message is, “So fear Allah and obey me” (26:126). Fear of Allah. Obedience to the prophets is due to the fact that when God Almighty sends a prophet, he serves as a guide to ensure that human reason does not falter, make mistakes, or confuse a mirage for water. Prophets. Therefore, the phrase “Obey me” comes after this, because it highlights the need for guidance and assistance. That’s why the Commander of the Faithful [Imam Ali (pbuh)] said, “And He sent to them His prophets successively to fulfill the pledge to His creation, to remind them of His forgotten blessings, to deliver His message to them, and to unveil the buried treasure of their intellect” (Nahj al-Balaghah, sermon 1).
God Almighty sent the prophets for these purposes and goals: to fulfill the pledge to His creation, to remind humanity of forgotten blessings, and to unveil the buried treasure of intellect — “Dafā’in al-Uqūl.” Now, what does this “dafīnah” mean? “And to unveil the buried treasure of their intellect.” It could mean a treasure to extract, as the term “dafīnah” is commonly understood to refer to hidden treasure. Or it could refer to intellect buried under layers of superstitions, illusions, false beliefs, and various words and ideologies. Sometimes, the truthful, correct statement “There is no God but Allah” has become buried. That genuine, rational understanding is sometimes buried beneath these falsehoods and forgotten. One of these two meanings was the intent of that magnanimous person. The prophets come to extract the intellect from within them and to bring it out.
Well, that was about the Bi’tha. So what must we do now? Let me put it this way. I believe that the Bi’tha is not a sudden event. It's not like a spark that lights up and goes out. The Bi’tha isn't like that. Actually, that’s what happens to a hypocrite, “Allah took away their light and left them sightless in a manifold darkness” (Quran 2:17). A person who doesn’t believe in God from the depths of their heart may experience a momentary flash of enlightenment, but then that light is extinguished by their desires, whims, forgetfulness, negligence, and other shortcomings. But in the natural course of the world, if someone isn’t a hypocrite, the entire Bi’tha is a continuous process and an ongoing matter. It isn’t confined to a specific time or day. It’s about all times. This isn't just true about the Bi’tha of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Rather, this is true about all prophets. The fundamental messages of the prophets are always applicable.
In the Holy Quran, the unbelievers are told, “Say, ‘If you are truthful, bring some Book from Allah better in guidance than the two on them so that I may follow it’” (28:49). The "two books" is referring to the Quran and the Torah. We believe in the prophets; we believe in all of them. But when the next prophet comes, he completes the message of the previous prophet, thus the previous prophet's message becomes abrogated. The term “naskh” [abrogation] means that the new message completes the old one. It modifies certain parts and adapts others to the new circumstances and times.
So this movement, the movement of religion and the movement of the Bi’tha [Muhammad’s (pbuh) prophetic mission], is a continuous, eternal movement. What does eternal mean? It means that in every era one can benefit from the blessings of the Bi’tha. It means that the transformation that took place at the beginning of the Bi’tha, when the noble Prophet of Islam stood firmly and came to the forefront while taking action himself with indescribable effort, can be realized in all eras. Of course, this is possible to a degree proportionate to our abilities and our closeness to that great peak [the Prophet]. But what is needed for this? We must apply the two factors the Holy Prophet (pbuh) used and implemented: reason and faith. If our reason and faith are active, then Bi’tha, movement, and transformation will take place. Transformation in one’s mindset will lead to transformation in the realities of life, and problems will be solved and corrected. This is the lesson we must learn from Bi’tha.
We, the Muslim governments and nations, are the ones being addressed by this today. We are all being addressed. We must understand that if we seek anything in this world or hope for God's favor in the Hereafter, we must adhere to the meaning, requirements, and movement of the Bi’tha, " Whoever seeks honor [should know that] honor belongs entirely to Allah" (Quran 35:10). That’s where honor is. Honor means a person being in a state where no outside factor can have a negative impact on them.
That is the meaning of honor. “Indeed, all honor belongs to Allah” (Quran 10:65). No enemy, nor any mental, spiritual, external, physical, or mystical factor of any kind can have an [negative] effect when there is honor. Or in another noble verse, [God says,] “Do not become weak nor grieve, and you shall have the upper hand if you are faithful” (Quran 3:139). If there is faith, you will be the best and you will be at the top.
Well, let's look at the function of reason in the world today and put our own reason to work. If we use our intellect, we can understand many of the concepts about the universe. We read in one supplication, “O Allah, grant me victory in Your religion, strength in Your worship, and understanding in Your creation” (Al-Kafi, 2: 586). We should understand the realities of human society and comprehend these realities. As the Islamic Republic, as Islamic Iran, as the political leaders of a great, important country — our beloved country is truly exceptional in many ways — we must pay attention and understand these truths that exist in the world.
In the first stage of colonialism, the oppressive powers began by plundering resources. If you read about the history of colonialism, you’ll see that the first thing they targeted and were after was natural resources. That was the beginning in the initial stage. That is one stage. The next stage involved the destruction of the original cultures of nations. This is a bitter story. That is, describing what they did to nations and civilizations is truly heartbreaking. In Africa, for instance, there were existing civilizations and age-old cultures. They [the colonizers] came, changed, and destroyed everything. They ruined and, in fact, plundered there [in this stage] as well, cultural plunder. In the next stage, their goal was the national and religious identities of nations, and the aim was to take that away too.
Today, we are seeing all three stages of colonization. Today, the world’s powerful, evil forces have their eyes set on the natural resources of countries and nations, on their cultures — their original cultures — and on their national and Islamic identities. They seek to destroy and take these things. Of course, they are not all the same. The US is at the forefront in doing this. Today, our description of colonialism and imperialism is manifested by the US government in the worst way, and it (the US government) is under the influence of the world's powerful financial elites. In other words, the top financial powers in the world dominate several Western governments, including and perhaps most of all the US government. According to their own common terminology, cartels, trusts, and the like are the ones in control. These are the entities that are drawing up the plans for all three stages of colonialism. The daily emergence of new issues that you see in areas such as humanity, sexuality, and finance is the result of their goals, which are changing the identity and interests of nations and pulling them in their direction.
The Quran provides a clear description, “They are eager to see you in distress.” Anything that causes trouble for you is loved by your enemies, the unbelievers, and those who follow Satan and have an evil behavior. “Hatred has already shown itself from their mouths, and what their breasts hide [within] is yet worse” (3:118). Their enmity is evident in their speech. When they speak or give a speech, they show their enmity. When they move, they show their enmity. But what is in their hearts, that which is the cause of their enmity, is even worse. Sometimes in certain situations, their enmity becomes apparent. That is, in some instances, their evil, hostile intentions show themselves.
For example, in the US Congress, you see the Representatives standing up to applaud and cheer for a murderer who has dismembered thousands of children! This is a manifestation of [the verse] “and what their breasts hide [within] is yet worse.” This verse can be seen here. They dismember thousands of children, and then they go there and are applauded! Or, the captain of the US warship Vincennes shot down a passenger plane carrying about 300 passengers, killing everyone on board, and then he was awarded a medal of commendation. Examples like this are where “what their breasts hide [within]” becomes apparent. This is where it shows itself.
These are always hidden behind diplomatic smiles. These enmities, this hatred, and this wicked essence lie hidden behind a facade of diplomatic smiles. We must open our eyes, "And [grant us] understanding in Your creation." We must open our eyes. We mustn’t "secretly nourish affection for them" (Quran 60:1). We must recognize who we’re dealing with, who we’re negotiating with, and who we’re speaking with. We must understand this. When a person understands the other side, they may deal with them too, but they understand what they should do. We need to know them and understand this.
I believe that at this time, this Resistance Movement, this movement of resistance, is a droplet from the Bi’tha. The Resistance, which began in Islamic Iran, awakened Muslim nations. It caused some Muslim nations to become active. Overall, it awakened Muslim nations and stirred the consciences of many non-Muslims too. The system used by the Domineering Powers was recognized and made known to others. Many nations had been unaware of the system of [Global] Domination.
Look at Gaza. Gaza, which is a small, limited region, has brought the US-backed, armed-to-teeth Zionist regime to its knees. Is this a joke? This is a droplet of the Bi’tha. This is faith and reason. This is the recitation of the verses of the Quran. This is reliance on God. This is the belief in, "Indeed, all honor belongs to Allah" (Quran 10:65). The victorious Hezbollah suffered a loss as significant as losing a figure like Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah. This isn’t a joke. How many distinguished figures are there in the world who possess the same stature and caliber as Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah (may God be pleased with him)? When Hezbollah lost a person like him, both enemies and allies imagined Hezbollah was finished. [However], Hezbollah has shown that not only has it not been eliminated, in some cases its resolve has even intensified, and it’s been able to stand up against the Zionist regime.
This is exactly what it is [a droplet of the Bi’tha]. This happened to the Muslims. The consciences of non-Muslims were stirred too. According to the statistics that have been given to me, approximately 30,000 anti-Zionist demonstrations have been held in 619 cities around the world during this time! People have awakened. Consciences have awakened. This is Resistance. This Resistance is a droplet of the Bi’tha. Even in the US itself, a group of Americans gathered and chanted, “Down with the USA,” inside the US itself! This is the transformation in perception. This is precisely what the great prophets strove to achieve. And the greatest, most important, and most remarkable manifestation of this was brought about by the Noble Messenger of Islam (peace be upon him and his Progeny) in his time, and it will continue until the end of time. Today, the Resistance is manifesting this as well. We must remember these truths and not forget the Quranic verse, “Do not become weak nor grieve, and you shall have the upper hand if you are faithful” (3:139).
May God’s greetings, mercy, and blessings be upon you.