
Zionists unable to remove Gaza from world's attention

Pressure on Zionist regime must increase

The issue of Gaza must not be allowed to be downgraded from being the world’s dominant issue. Pressure on the Zionist regime must keep increasing day by day.

Imam Khamenei
May 1, 2024

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Zionists unable to remove Gaza from world's attention

Today, Gaza is the world’s dominant issue. The Zionists and their American and European supporters are unable to remove the issue of Gaza from the attention of the world’s public opinion. Just look at the universities in the US and in Europe.

Imam Khamenei
May 1, 2024

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Normalization will not solve the issue of Palestine

These people imagine the matter will be settled if they persuade regional countries to normalize relations with the Zionist regime. They’re wrong. The problem won’t be solved until Palestine is returned to the Palestinian people.

Imam Khamenei
May 1, 2024

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See how US is treating its students

See how the US is reacting to the verbal opposition to Israel. The American students aren’t chanting slogans about destroying anything, they haven’t killed anyone or they haven’t set anything on fire. But they are being treated like that.

Imam Khamenei
May 1, 2024

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