
Ghadir springs from Islam’s true meaning and spirit 

Ghadir concerns all human beings

The issue of Ghadir does not just concern the Shia, or just concern the Muslims. It concerns all human beings. If the power in human societies falls in the hands of those who have Satanic characteristics, then the world will continue to go the same way that you see it being manifested in today’s modern world. The event of Ghadir wasn’t just about appointing a successor for the Prophet. Ghadir has two aspects. One aspect is that of appointing a successor. The other aspect is giving attention to the issue of Imamate.  Imamate means leading the people and society in matters that have to do with religion and worldly affairs. This has been one of the main issues throughout the long history of mankind.

Ayatollah Khamenei
Nov. 25, 2010

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The indescribable justice of Imam Ali (pbuh)

The justice of the Commander of the Faithful [Imam Ali (pbuh)] is indescribable. He said, “By God, even if I were to be tortured in the severest way, I would prefer to sleep on thorns all night or be dragged in chains than to meet God and His Messenger on the Day of Judgment as one who has wronged one of His servants.”

Ayatollah Khamenei
June 25, 2024

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Everyone attests to Imam Ali’s (pbuh) virtues

Which notable figure is so highly regarded that even those who do not believe in his religion have written volumes of books about him? This is unique to the Commander of the Faithful. This is something distinctive about Ali ibn Abi Talib. Christians talk about him, Hindus talk about him, and Buddhists talk about him. Sunni Muslim brothers, who are not Shia but admire the Commander of the Faithful, write books about him and speak about him. These are some of the virtues of this remarkable individual.

Ayatollah Khamenei
June 25, 2024

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Imam Ali’s (pbuh) vigilance when facing the enemy

Imam Ali’s (pbuh) vigilance was at its peak when facing the enemy. He said, “I am not one that can be lulled to sleep by the enemy.” Many people feel reassured by the enemy’s smile and think that danger has passed. They fall asleep with the lullaby of their enemy. The Commander of the Faithful (pbuh) said, “If you fall asleep, you cannot be certain that the enemy is sleeping as well.” The enemy is awake. This means maintaining the utmost vigilance when facing the enemy.

Ayatollah Khamenei
June 25, 2024

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Imam Ali’s (pbuh) respect of people’s opinions and counsel

The Commander of the Faithful (pbuh) had the highest level of respect for the opinions of the people, “Do not refrain from speaking the truth or giving just counsel.” The Commander of the Faithful (pbuh) was a mine of knowledge and his knowledge was connected to God’s knowledge. Such a person with this immense knowledge said, “Do not refrain from speaking the truth.” If some words seem true to you, and if you believe I should be aware of a certain fact, tell me. Do not remain quiet, “Do not refrain from giving just counsel.” If you want to tell me a recommendation, tell me.

Ayatollah Khamenei
June 25, 2024

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Those who praise you cannot truly describe you

Imam Hadi (pbuh) said the following about his ancestor, Imam Ali (pbuh), “The one who praises you cannot possibly truly describe you.” It’s impossible. These are the words of Imam Hadi, who himself was a great, infallible Imam. He then said, “The one who is against you and is your enemy cannot possibly hide or conceal your incredible qualities.” These are descriptions of the Commander of the Faithful (pbuh).

Ayatollah Khamenei
June 25, 2024

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Ghadir: the greatest Eid 

Without a doubt, the day of Eid al-Ghadir is an extremely important day. In Islamic hadith, we read that the importance of this day is even more than that of Eid al-Adha or Eid al-Fitr. This does not mean that the importance of these Eids can be undermined in any way. It means that Eid al-Ghadir has a more elevated meaning behind it. The importance of this Eid - the most important Eid based on the Shia hadith – is due to its theme, which is Wilayah (Guardianship). It could be said that the goal of all the efforts made by Prophet Muhammad, other prophets and religious figures was to establish divine Wilayah.

Ayatollah Khamenei 
June 9, 1993

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Ghadir springs from Islam’s true meaning and spirit 

The event of Ghadir rose from the spirit and true meaning of Islam.  Consider the fact that despite all of Prophet Muhammad’s (pbuh) efforts, Almighty God told him 70 days before his death, “O Apostle! Communicate that which has been sent down to you from your Lord, and if you do not, you will not have communicated His message” (Quran 5:67). [This means,] "Deliver the message to the people that I have ordered you to deliver. If you don’t deliver this message, you have not completed the mission of your prophethood." This shows that the true spirit and meaning of Islam exists in the event of Ghadir.

Ayatollah Khamenei
Feb. 20, 2003

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A comfortable life for everyone under the shade of Wilayah

If Islamic Wilayah exists, living under the shade of the Commander of the Faithful will be achieved for everyone – for the believers, for the transgressors, and for the unbelievers. Even the unbelievers will live comfortably there. It is not the case that only pious people will be comfortable in that environment. Non-pious people will also benefit from the security, equality, justice, and spiritual peace found in that environment. If a government does not become godly, the society will be a discriminatory society. 

Ayatollah Khamenei
April 5, 1999

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Ghadir shows the difference between Islamic societies and others

The day of Eid al-Ghadir is the day of Wilayah. It is a fateful day for the Islamic society. ... The person or the organization that is responsible for the administration of people's affairs must be a manifestation of God’s power, justice, mercy, and wisdom. This is the difference between an Islamic society and all other societies that are governed in other ways. 

Ayatollah Khamenei
July 11, 1990

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Ghadir means a unique combination of religion and politics

From the time of Prophet Adam (pbuh) when the series of prophets and missions began, the event where the innovative, eloquent combination of religion and politics at its peak became a lasting tradition and guaranteed the guidance of society took place in the event of Ghadir. 

Ayatollah Khamenei
Dec. 12, 2013

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