
Enemies wish to disrupt the university system and prevent the country’s progress

Universities are one of the most important pillars for the country’s progress, and the main constituents of the universities are the scientific elite. The reason you see on different occasions – not just yesterday or the day before –attempts have been made to shut down universities or cancel classes so that students and professors won’t go to classes … is due to the fact that universities play a fundamental role. Now, the person who threatens a professor over the phone telling him/her that if you attend class, such and such will happen may not be the main operative. It is important to know who is operating behind-the-scenes. They do these things because when they interrupt, close, damage, and impair the universities, this is welcomed by the country’s enemies who do not want to see the country progressing. Universities are one of the greatest obstacles that stand in the way of the Arrogant Powers. We need to realize that the goal of the world’s aggressors is to dominate. By what means? One day, they use weapons. Another day, they use deception. And the next day, they use science. They also dominate using science. Universities prevent their domination. This means that if you can raise the scientific status of the country, you are creating an impediment to prevent domination by your enemy.

Imam Khamenei
Oct. 19, 2022