Lady Khadija

Hazrat Khadijah’s value has not been properly appreciated

The following is the full text of the speech delivered on May 9, 2016, by Ayatollah Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, in a meeting with officials of the Hazrat Khadijah Commemoration Congress.

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

First of all, I am very grateful to you gentlemen for thinking of carrying out such an endeavor and for pursuing it in a motivated manner.

Hazrat Khadijhah (God’s greetings be upon her) is a really an unrecognized personality. The fact that she was honored with being the spouse of the Holy Prophet is more valuable in her case. Others were honored with being his spouses as well, but they did not endure the sufferings that the Holy Prophet did during the time when he became prophet. After that era, he was in Madinah for 10 years. Well, in that era, he had the respect of others and life was relatively easier. Hazrat Khadijah (God’s greetings be upon her) endured those sufferings in the first era alongside the Holy Prophet.

First of all, the very essence of believing in the Holy Prophet – the first people who believed in him were the Commander of the Faithful and Hazrat Khadijhah – is a great privilege. It has a value-added. Abandoning the beliefs which one has lived with for so long is not easy. This has no occurred to us so that we can understand how difficult and important it is. With her pure nature, she immediately understood the truth of the matter and the Holy Prophet’s legitimacy. As soon as she saw the Holy Prophet in that state of mind – in that well-known spiritual state which has been mentioned in books – while he had just recently returned from Hira, she realized that something important had happened and thus, her heart was attracted to him and she began to believe in him.

Later on, she stood by her faith. You mentioned that she dedicated her wealth to his cause. Well, this is easy to say. Those who have money can afford to dedicate it to a cause, but if someone completely abandons her life of comfort – in other words, if someone lets go of all their money and dedicates all their wealth to a certain cause – this is not about some bits and pieces, here and there.

It is said about Imam Hassan al-Mujtaba (God’s greetings be upon him) that he gave up his entire possessions or half of his belongings several times over his lifetime. This is among the greatest privileges. Hazrat Khadijhah has the privilege of giving up her entire wealth by dedicating it in the way of promoting Islam and strengthening the Holy Prophet. After that too, she endured many hardships and sufferings one of which was her three years of sufferings in the valley of Abi Talib. There, she endured great sufferings and preserved her strong faith.

The Holy Quran says about those people who do charitable work before and after a victory, “Not equal among you are those who spent freely and fought, before the victory with those who did so later” [Holy Quran 57: 10]. “Before the victory” means before conquering Makkah. It means that she had donated her money before the Holy Prophet had Madinah at his disposal and before he held power and established a government and while he needed it most. She dedicated her wealth, her life and her comfort. Well, these are important virtues which have been forgotten. Therefore, she is really unrecognized. She is really oppressed.

Mr. Arafi described her as “lonely”. This is really the case. Hazrat Khadijah (greetings be upon her) is really lonely. You mentioned that she was the mother of 11 Imams, but she was actually the mother of 12 Imams. This is because she is considered the mother of the Commander of the Faithful as well. She raised the Commander of the Faithful under her care and supervision to a certain age.

In any case, this is a very good and important endeavor and by Allah’s favor, it will yield many blessings.

Anyway, we thank Mr. Arafi, Mr. Rafiyi and the other gentlemen who are cooperating on this matter and I hope that they will receive their rewards from the Holy Prophet, God willing. This endeavor will surely have the approval of God’s Messenger (God’s greetings be upon him and his household).

Greetings be upon you and Allah’s mercy