Imam Khamenei

With steadfastness, everything that youth dream about will be realized

The following is an excerpt of the speech delivered on August 30, 2019, by Ayatollah Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, in a meeting with a number of youth active in cultural areas.

Your main and most important characteristic is being young. The other blessings that Allah the Exalted has bestowed on you – which are thankfully not few in number – originate from being young. This is because young hearts and souls are very prepared to absorb divine mercy.

One of the characteristics of being young is that you should not become tired. The difference between you and this humble person is that as I become tired, you do not when we go for a walk – you walk in a tireless manner – you should not become tired on this path either. You should never forget that problems and obstacles should not wear you down.

Notice that during the time of taghut, some people used to fight in this very city. They would be beaten, they would feel unsafe, their wife and children would be threatened and they had financial difficulties. They were suffering from various deprivations, but Allah the Exalted kept their hearts hopeful in the end.

Tehran, Isfahan, Shiraz, Yazd and other cities were like this city. What was the result? The result was something whose possibility was previously seen as less than one percent: in other words, the authority of Islam was achieved in this country.

If you remain steadfast on the path that you are taking, if you do not become tired, if the obstacles ahead of you do not prevent you from moving forward, if you pass through an obstacle once you face one and if not possible to pass through it, maneuver it and get back on track, if you do this, you can rest assured that the future of this country will be something that you have been dreaming about: in other words, the establishment of a true Islamic society, Islamic government, Islamic governance and Islamic laws. This will surely happen.