
How is the last verse of Sura Fatiha related to the Children of Israel?

Whoever endeavors will reap the results of his or her efforts. The Iranian people tried hard, and the Almighty bestowed on them the gift of the Islamic Republic, a popular system that is opposed to corruption, deviation and dependence.

The Islamic Republic, which is a popular and independent system based on authentic values, freedom of expression and social justice, is a divine gift bestowed on the Iranian nation. This gift has not been conferred on the Iranian nation gratis. Several generations made serious efforts, and the generation before you made great sacrifices and suffered many hardships.

The Almighty God has promised that He will remunerate striving and endeavors, and the divine reward will be given both in this world and in the hereafter. "All do We aid, these as well as those, out of the bounty of your Lord, and the bounty of your Lord is not confined;" (the Holy Qur'an, 17: 20). Whoever endeavors will reap the results of his or her efforts. The Iranian people tried hard, and the Almighty bestowed on them the gift of the Islamic Republic, a popular system that is opposed to corruption, deviation and dependence.

If God grants blessings to a group, that group cannot rest assured that the blessings would last forever. You read in Sura Al-Faateha: "The path of those to whom You have granted blessings, those who are neither subject to Your anger nor have gone astray;" [Quran 1:7]. It is understood here that "those who are subject to God's anger" and "those who have gone astray" are also part of "those to whom God has granted blessings". It is not the case that God blesses some people and misleads some others, pouring out his wrath upon them. No, according to Arabic grammar rules "those who are neither subject to Your anger" is an adjective for "those to whom You have granted blessings". God has granted many people blessings. Those who are blessed are of two kinds: Those who waste their blessings with their actions, misbehavior, sloth, deviation, and by succumbing to temporary deviating desires. There are also those who preserve their blessings with effort, hard work, and through thankfulness. Those who waste their gifts are "those who are subject to Your anger or have gone astray", and those who preserve their blessings are "those who are neither subject to Your anger nor have gone astray".


The Almighty God has granted His favors to the Prophets, saints, martyrs, and the righteous ones. - "The friend of the Prophets, saints, martyrs, and the righteous ones to whom God has granted His favors;" [Quran 3:69] - He blessed the Children of Israel with gifts: "Recall My favor to you" [Quran 2:122]. This is repeated 3 times in Sura Al-Baqara. God granted blessings to the Children of Israel. But they wasted those blessings. The Almighty God says in Sura Saba: "This was how We recompensed them for their ungratefulness and thus do We recompense the ungrateful ones;" [Quran 34:17]. So blessings from God must be preserved. The Prophets, saints, martyrs, and the righteous ones are those who preserved their gifts. Preserve the gifts of God, nourish and complete them and amend their shortcomings. Those shortcomings also result from our deeds.

Now, every effort should be made to protect and preserve this gift. This is a momentous task that should be performed by you, the young people and in particular the young university students. You are the future decision-makers, executives and managers of this country.


You are able to lead the country to the peak of honor, progress and prosperity, which is the main ideal of the Islamic system, or, God forbid, spoil this divine gift and blessing. Thus, you should look far into the future and find out what needs to be done and what are the challenges facing our nation.


May 9, 2005