
4 benefits of paying Zakat (donation) according to Imam Khamenei

1. Zakat is a system-making index

Zakat too has an individual - it teaches us to give away what we love and this is an important experience and test in its own right - and a social aspect. According to its Quranic use, zakat means all kinds of alms including the common use of the term in the holy ayah, "Take alms out of their property" [The Holy Quran, 9: 103]. Zakat means all kinds of monetary alms. But it has a social aspect as well. The social aspect of zakat is that those individuals who enjoy material welfare in the Islamic environment and government, consider themselves to be responsible. They consider themselves to be debtors, not creditors. They believe that they are in debt to the Islamic government, to the poor and the weak, and to God. According to this outlook, zakat is a condition and criterion with the capability to build systems.

Mar 21, 2015

2. Zakat brings about purity for human beings

Zakat represents a sort of financial preparation that purifies the life of a human: “Take, [O, Muhammad], from their wealth a charity by which you purify them and cause them increase, and invoke [Allah's blessings] upon them.” (Quran:9–103) This charity is obligatory, and it leads to the purification of humans’ souls and purgation of them, getting rid of cruelty, greed, avarice, acquisitiveness and other contaminants.

 Statements during sermons of Eid Fitr prayers 
February 9, 1997

3. Zakat is meant to uproot poverty

Gathering a commision of intellectuals for organizing prayers, is one of the most appropriate and essential tasks that was to be done in the Islamic Republic. Because, performing prayers is the first fruit and sign of a righteous government. The next step involves Zakat, as a tool for financial balance of the society and uprooting poverty. Then, comes ‘bidding what is right and forbidding what is wrong’--that is, promoting good deeds and preventing bad deeds. “who, if We establish them in the land, perform the prayer, and pay the alms[zakat], and bid to honour, and forbid dishonour; and unto God belongs the issue of all affairs.” (Quran 22:41) 
The message to the first annual assembly on prayers performance in Mashhad 
October 8, 1991

4. Zakat prevents attachment to money

Charity, which is considered a great worshipping act, owns soul and body. “And whoever is protected from the stinginess of his soul -- it is those who will be the successful.” (Quran: 64–16) Zakat must break our internal greed and avarice; it obliterates our attachment to money and material luxuries: Zakat is useful in this manner. 

Speech at the meeting with people from various social groups (on the 30th day of the holy month of Ramadan)  April 26, 1990