
Ayatollah Khamenei donates 115 books to the library of a mosque

The Supreme Leader Donates 115 books to the library of Abouzar Mosque in Tehran

On the 36th anniversary marking the unsuccessful assassination attempt of Ayatollah Khamenei, in Tehran's Abouzar Mosque on June 27, 1981, the Leader of the revolution donated 115 books, including 43 titles, to the library of the mosque.
 A documentary on the attempted assassination of Ayatollah Khamenei, displaying the library of the mosque, initiated the donation.

 A few days after broadcast of the documentary, 115 books, as well as a handwritten note from the Supreme Leader, were offered to the mosque. The books mainly cover religious and ethical subjects: among them are prominent books such as Nahj al-Balaghah (translation of the deceased Dashti); Mizan al-Hikmah;  Kimiya-yi Sa'ādat (The Alchemy of Happiness); The Description of Golshan-e Raz; The secrets of al-Sulawah; The Fihi Ma Fihi and various volumes of Rabbani Ethics of Hajj Aqa Mojtaba Tehrani.

Photo: Ayatollah Khamenei in his personal study and library.

Ayatollah Khamenei in his personal study and library

Some of the books also cover cultural and social topics. Examples include: It is a Shame if Iran is Abolished, Reasons for the  Decline of Civilizations Based on Quran, Companions of Imam Hassan Mujtaba (as), Role of Wahhabism in Spreading Violence and Islamophobia in Today's world, and Amid Persian Dictionary.

A few books are about the Holy Defense era; The Key to Success in Commanding, The Secret of Lovers, Dusty Sky, Tell the Rain to Come, and Goodbye the World are among them.