Elimination of the Zionist regime: From a democratic solution to a strategy of armed resistance

Elimination of Zionist regime via a democratic solution accompanied by resistance

Imam Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, in meeting with thousands of the members of the Basij on November 29, 2023 while referring to the Al-Aqsa Flood Operation and its achievements emphasized, "The issue of Palestine, by God’s grace, is moving toward being solved. What does "solving the Palestinian issue" mean? It means the establishment of a Palestinian government to rule throughout the entire land of Palestine. Our proposed plan is for the Palestinians to hold a referendum" (Nov. 29, 2023). In addition, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution has repeatedly stressed the official policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran being the elimination of the illegitimate Zionist regime and the mechanism to achieve this is to hold a referendum, which is only possible through continuing resistance. The following reviews some of Imam Khamenei's statements in this regard.

Israel must be eliminated

The stance of the Islamic Revolution and the Iranian nation regarding the usurpation of Palestine by the usurping, illegitimate Zionist regime is a clear stance. It is as the late Imam Khomeini stated, “Israel must be eliminated.” [Dec. 4, 1990] And this is the Islamic Republic’s exact objective, which has been announced by Imam Khomeini (ra) and Imam Khamenei, "On the issue of Palestine, the goal is to save Palestine. This means the elimination of the Israeli regime." [Dec. 4, 1990] Based on this, the Islamic Republic has a specific policy on this matter, "Our opinion regarding the Palestinian issue is clear and manifest. We consider the destruction of the Israeli regime to be the solution to the Palestinian issue.” [Aug. 8, 1991] Of course, the "elimination of Israel" and the downfall of this child-killing, racist regime is not an anti-Semitic position, because the official view and stance of the Islamic Republic on this issue is related to the usurpation of the Palestinian land by the occupying Zionists, “From the very start, the Islamic Republic has never said such a thing [throwing the Jews into the sea].” [June 10, 2018] “That is not the Islamic Republic’s opinion that people should be thrown into the sea." [Nov. 29, 2023]

The solution to the Palestinian issue
The Islamic system has presented a clear, democratic solution to the world in order to solve the Palestinian issue and to put an end to the fallacious regime that is a source of terrorism and insecurity in the region, "The logical solution is a solution that all the people in the world with awakened consciences and all those who believe in today's concepts have no choice but to accept. ... The solution is to ask the Palestinian people themselves for their opinion, as well as all those have been displaced from Palestine – that is, the people who wish to return to the land of Palestine and their homes. … And those who were in Palestine before 1948, which is the year when the fallacious Israeli regime was formed, should be asked for their opinion – whether they are Muslims, Christians, or Jews. These people should determine in a public referendum the regime to rule over the Palestinian land. That is democracy. ... That regime and that government should be formed and decide about the people who came to Palestine after 1948.”  [Apr. 5, 2002] And this is exactly what the Islamic Republic means by the "elimination of Israel." It means the downfall of the illegitimate, fallacious regime through a mechanism based on the vote of the people, “This is the destruction and elimination of the invalid, fallacious Zionist regime that is ruling today.” [June 15, 2018] In fact, "the elimination of the Zionist regime does not, in any way or form, equate to the massacre of the Jewish people in that region. ... What it means is that a referendum should be held and the regime to rule this region should be determined by the referendum and by the people. That is what we mean by eliminating the Zionist regime. That is what needs to be done.” [July 23, 2014] Of course, the key point here is that "Israel has proven that it does not understand anything other than the language of force. You cannot talk to it except with the language of a nation’s power and the Islamic nation’s power throughout the world.” [Oct. 19, 1991] Therefore, "the comprehensive battles of the Palestinian nation – their political battles, their military battles, and their moral and cultural battles – must continue so that those who have usurped Palestine submit to the vote of the Palestinian nation. ... Their battle must and will continue until that time." [June 5, 2019] And the strategy of an armed battle and resistance against the occupiers in this context is to prepare the ground for the implementation of a democratic solution to solve the Palestinian issue, “What can be the solution when this fallacious regime is still alive and hasn’t been destroyed? The solution is decisive, armed resistance against this regime. The Palestinians must show their power in confronting the Zionist regime.” [July 23, 2014] Because actually, Israel will not agree to a solution that is based on democracy. “This will should be imposed on it [the Zionist regime]. And if this plan is followed up on, God willing it will be followed up on, and if the cores of Resistance continue with strong will and determination, this objective will be reached.” [Nov. 29, 2023]

The Al-Aqsa Flood cannot be extinguished

The key point about this issue today is that the region’s balance of power is changing to the benefit of nations and to the detriment of the dominating powers and the Zionists because of the growing strength of the Islamic resistance. The "Al-Aqsa Flood" has inflicted an irreparable blow, caused Israel’s complete defeat, and has brought about "de-Americanization" in the region“A clear sign of the de-Americanization of the region is the truly historic event of the Al-Aqsa Flood Operation. The Al-Aqsa Flood Operation was against the Zionist regime, but it was also an act of de-Americanization because it was able to change the table of US policies for the region. By continuing this flood that table of US policies will be totally eliminated.” [Nov. 29, 2023] In such a situation, future developments will solve this historical issue to the benefit of the Palestinian nation and destroy the fallacious, illegitimate regime .“The Al-Aqsa Flood is unextinguishable.” [Nov. 29, 2023] And “the issue of Palestine, by God’s grace, is moving toward being solved. In other words, there is a move for the establishment of a Palestinian government to rule throughout the entire land of Palestine.” [Nov. 29, 2023]