
Islamic Ummah can have a sublime position if they are united

Normalization, an act of treason against Islam

we need to think about the issue of unity among Muslims. Today, the enemy wants the exact opposite of this. They planted this cancerous cell in this region called the Zionist regime, to serve as a base for Western enmity against Islam. The enemies are trying to do something so that the Zionist regime won’t be called “the enemy” anymore, and [they] use it to create discord between the countries in the region. These normalizations are one of the biggest acts of treason against Islam and Muslims.

Imam Khamenei
Oct. 14, 2022

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Unity: Cooperation to confront Global Arrogance plans

Of course, Global Arrogance has clear plans for our region and our countriesOur region is one of the most sensitive regions in the world, if not the most sensitive. The region which encompasses Central Asia, West Asia and North Africa, which is the Islamic region, is a very important area. Arrogance and the powers behind the scenes of the Global Arrogance’s policies, the companies, cartels, and international trusts, have plans for this region. Let’s cooperate in order to confront their plans. This is the meaning of unity.

Imam Khamenei
Oct. 14, 2022

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Islamic Ummah can have a sublime position if they are united

This state where Global Arrogance dominates other countries and nations and areas is gradually changing. The understated and quiet dominance of Global Arrogance is clearly and gradually losing its legitimacy amongst nations; it will create a new world. We Islamic countries and nations can have a sublime position in the new world that is gradually forming, on one condition. What is that condition? Unity! Overcoming divisions and the temptations of the enemy, of the US, of the Zionists, the temptations of large companies.

Imam Khamenei
Oct. 14, 2022

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This division amongst us is causing us to get beaten

This division amongst us is causing us to get beaten, we are getting beaten in Palestine and in other countries. They are killing people in Palestine on a daily basis. They are killing children, teenagers, young and old people. They take them to prison and torture thousands of people there. This is happening right before our eyes. It is hard for the Islamic Ummah. These things make the Prophet (pbuh) grieve. This should be thought about, it must be worked on.

Imam Khamenei
Oct. 14, 2022

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Elite’s role in realization of Islamic unity

Unity between Islamic Ummahs is possible. Our main hope is in the important figures of the Islamic world, religious scholars, intellectuals, university professors, the insightful youth, the wise thinkers, writers, poets, and media operators. These are the people we have hope in. They [need to] feel independent. They need to feel as though they have a duty. When certain figures move in a certain direction, they move public opinion in that direction as well. 

Imam Khamenei
Oct 14, 2022

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The Prophet (pbuh): The pivot of Islamic unity  

The honorable Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) has been the greatest source of unity during all periods of Islam. He can also be the source of unity today, because the majority of Muslims’ belief in this holy, noble being is intertwined with affection and love. Therefore, this noble person is the center and pivot of all Muslims’ emotions and beliefs. This centrality is a cause for the love in the hearts of the Muslims and closeness of Islamic sects. 

Imam Khamenei
Oct. 16, 1989

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