Leader Thanks Iranian Nation for Its Presence in Parliamentary Elections

 The dear Iranian people once again assumed this great duty and entered the scene in God's name. They once again foiled the enemies' evil plots and opposed heavy psychological warfare by the enemies with their determination and vigilance. They proved that the Islamic Revolution is still alive and prospers even more in the course of time. The Leader's message to the Iranian nation follows:

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
Dear noble and honored Iranian nation,

You once again opposed the enemies' plots with your epic and active participation in the elections. This participation once again made futile all enemies' efforts aimed at preventing the Iranian nation from taking part in the election. Currently, the Islamic Republic has proved to be the most truthful democratic government in the world by staging 30 free and democratic elections in less than 30 years, under all circumstances. And thus the principles of materialistic government paradigms - from secular democracies to individual, party and guild hegemonies - are called into question before the vigilant eyes in the global community.

In the tumult caused by some over the so-called false incompatibility of Islam and democracy, your Islamic and democratic government has now challenged all anti-religion and anti-democratic paradigms.

With your vigilance and determination, all evil plots including the passing of resolutions, the banning of the elections and the invitation of foreign observers to meddle in people's lives and rights, the spreading of false propaganda about the country's authorities, the intimidation of people by the possibility of an enemy attack, accusations of staging rigged elections, infusing people with indifference and disappointment, and especially the spreading of evil propaganda about a lack of participation by the youth in the elections, were foiled.

The dear Iranian nation - men and women, young and old, from cities and villages - once again assumed this duty in God's name and entered the scene. They entrusted the responsibility for the Parliament to their representatives and helped constitute an informed, pious, intellectual, anti-hegemonic, powerful, sympathetic, and democratic parliament for the next four-year term.

I modestly and whole-heartedly thank dear God, and express my heartfelt thanks to the great Iranian nation. You could, with Allah's assistance and with your firm determination, appear on such a glorious scene. You manifested national unity in a year marked by that name. I must especially thank the dear youth, who according to statistical reports, played a major role in this public presence. Despite the 3-year increase in the eligibility age-limit, and despite the fact that millions of those under 18 were banned from the elections due to that increase, millions of the youth who were under 30 took part in the elections. They proved, with their enthusiastic participation, that the boys and the girls of the next generation are ready to assume responsibility for the holy Islamic Republic that has triumphed at the cost of the blood of tens of thousands of martyrs, and at the cost of several consecutive years of resistance by the Iranian nation. You proved that the Islamic Republic is still alive and will prosper even more in the course of time.

It is upon me to express my sincere thanks to all political groups who took part in this great test and to the administrators and inspectors who bore this legal responsibility with their non-stop efforts. I must express my sincere thanks to those who protected people's votes, and also to the national media which added further enthusiasm to this epic atmosphere and presence through their skillful and noble innovations. I express my heartfelt thanks to the security officials who provided the means for people to take part in the elections in a relaxed frame of mind, and to the other media who contributed to the better staging of this election. Finally, I must express my sincere thanks to all candidates - whether voted for or not - and to the MPs of the 7th parliament who served this nation during their four-year term.

God willing, I hope the 8th parliament, by feeling its religious and revolutionary duty, will manage to contribute to the development of this country on a daily basis, and will contribute to the national dignity and prosperity of the Islamic Republic with Allah's assistance and mercy and with special attention from Imam Mahdi (may our souls be sacrificed for him).
Sayyid Ali Khamenei
March 13, 2008