Leader’s Statements on the Day of Elections for the Experts Assembly and Islamic Councils

What follows is the text of the statements made by the Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei on the day of elections for the Experts Assembly and Islamic municipal councils. The elections were held on December 15, 2006.
In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

The motive for my participation in these elections is exactly the same as the motive of our honorable people, namely performing a religious and national and revolutionary duty.

We all feel that our participation in elections means our involvement in sealing the fate of the country and in the country's management at different levels. Today the elections for the Experts Assembly and Islamic councils are being held in our country. In some cities people are also voting at the parliamentary by-elections.

Therefore, there is a strong motive on the part of the general public for their participation in elections, since fortunately they are quite aware of the significance of their participation.

However, the reason why I came to the polling station early in the morning is because a good and appropriate act should be done as soon as possible. This is similar to prayers and other acts that are expected to be performed in a certain period, and the earlier they are done, of the greater worth and virtue those acts will be.

Besides, there are certain disadvantages associated with procrastination, and by doing something early one protects oneself against those disadvantages. Going to the polls and performing this responsibility early in the morning has a symbolic aspect as well.

I hope that Almighty Allah will bestow on us and the entire Iranian nation the success in carrying out this significant and momentous responsibility well. By the favor of Allah, the Iranian people will display a high turnout at the polls in the coming hours and perform this duty in an appropriate manner.

As far as the simultaneity of the two elections is concerned, this is a new experience, and it seems that so far it has been proceeding well. Therefore, instead of holding these elections on two days, i.e., one day for the Experts Assembly and the other day for Islamic councils, the two elections have been held on the same day, and it seems that this will result in a reduction in expenditure and allocation of government facilities and also in the time that people spend in going to the polls.

Presently, I have no comment to make about the future elections for the Majlis and the presidency. This is an issue which should be examined and appropriate decisions made by the relevant officials. But I think the decision that was made about the simultaneity of the elections for the Experts Assembly and Islamic councils was a sensible and proper decision.