Ayatollah Khamenei

Imam Khamenei's suggestion which was ignored by officials of the time

We expect non-oil exports to grow appropriately so that our exports become more than our imports. This is the point we should reach and we should be independent of oil revenues. Dependence on oil revenues is one of the most important economic woes of our country and it has not just plagued our economy: it has been a general problem.

We must reach a point where we can stop our exports due to political or economic considerations for a period of 15 days or one month if we decide to do so. I made this point several years ago, but at that time our government officials did not welcome my suggestion. Notice what a great advantage this would create for an oil-producing country. Imagine that a country could announce it would not export oil for 20 days. Imagine what would happen in the world. Today we cannot do so because we are in need of oil revenues. If one day our economy becomes independent of oil revenues and oil exports, the Iranian nation and the Islamic Republic will manage to gain this advantage, which will have an extraordinary effect on the world. This is the point we must reach. 

Imam Khamenei, Aug 18, 2011


  • Crude oil
  • non-oil exports
  • oil
