
The main pivot of Intifada is Al-Aqsa

Ayatollah Khamenei in reaction to the start of the Second Intifada stated on 24 April 2001 that: 'The main pivot of the Second Intifada is Al-Aqsa Mosque. In other words, the spark that caused the anger of the Palestinian people was the Zionists' insult to Al-Aqsa mosque.'

'The main pivot of the Second Intifada is Al-Aqsa Mosque. In other words, the spark that caused the anger of the Palestinian people was the Zionists' insult to Al-Aqsa mosque.

Being well aware of the fact that they shouldered a heavy responsibility to safeguard the sanctity of one of the most sacred Islamic sites, the Palestinian people entered the arena of struggle against the Zionists and set the sacred torch of struggle against the occupiers of their homeland burning through devotion and by making great sacrifices.

The compromise process, in particular the Oslo Accords, caused division among Palestinians. However, this holy Intifada restored national unity to Palestine.

Today, Palestinians from all ranks are engaged in the Intifada against the Zionists, and all Palestinian Islamic and nationalist groups are taking part in this struggle side by side. Even those who are still pinning their hopes on certain outside powers have been prompted to join this great movement.

The "Islamic uprising" or, put another way, the "Islamic awakening movement" has emerged in the region and Islamic world for the past two decades with full strength following the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran under the leadership of Imam Khomeini. Today, the main pivot of this movement is the issue of Palestine.

The Al-Aqsa Intifada even managed to draw support from Arab and Muslim nations beyond the geographical borders of Palestine and outside this region. Massive demonstrations by millions of Muslims throughout the Islamic world from its western to its eastern parts have sent the message to the Palestinians that they can count on the support of other Muslim nations. The fact is that the issue of Palestine has played a key role in consolidating unity among all Muslim nations.

Therefore, this model of resistance and struggle is now before us. That is to say, it is possible to achieve victory through resistance and struggle and, of course, by undergoing losses and hardships.
There is also another option, namely pinning hopes on the compromise process and begging the Zionist enemy for peace. This option will only help Israel to humiliate the Palestinians and dictate its demands to them. This is what we have already witnessed.

~Leader's Speech at Intl. Conference in Support of Intifada, 04/24/2001
