Leader's Address to Academics at Shahid Beheshti University

What follows is an abridgement of the statements made by Grand Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei, in a meeting with academics at Shahid Beheshti University on May 12, 2003.
In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate

I feel sorry that some of our friends did not get an opportunity to express their views. Nevertheless, others made some very useful remarks.

What is important to me and which was also pointed out by some friends who spoke at this meeting is improving the condition of science and research in our country. Of course this is a demanding task that requires serious efforts. Surely I will also have certain responsibilities in this regard, which I will try to fulfill.

Indeed, science is of great value, and it will be even more valuable if it aims to meet the needs and requirements of mankind.

There are some expectations from those who are active in the fields of science and research in our country today. The fact is that while we have always had the ability to make considerable progress, we have been lagging behind in science and technology, for which there are clear reasons that have their roots in our past.

To state it more clearly, no serious efforts had been made to promote science and technology in our country before the victory of the Islamic revolution. But today making scientific and technological progress is one of our main concerns, and we are trying hard to make up for the backwardness and underdevelopment that had been imposed on us.

Fortunately, Iranian people possess great potential and numerous talents. Therefore, they should use their capabilities in the most effective manner and help their country move forward in the areas of science and technology through innovation, research and exploring the unknown, which are by far more than what mankind has so far discovered. This is what is mainly expected from our scholars, researchers and scientists.

Another point that I would like to mention is that there seems to be a vacuum in relations between students and teachers at our universities. You should try to fill this vacuum! Our students can and should learn things like national pride, patriotism, showing interest in the future of their country and feeling pride in their past from their teachers besides their academic subjects.

It is also worthy of mention that a teacher, no matter what subject he teaches, may influence his students in such a way as to strengthen their religious beliefs or weaken or even destroy their faith.

He can infuse his students with patriotism and make them feel proud of their country. He may also influence his students in such a way as to make them indifferent, apathetic and feeling no responsibility toward their country and their future.

This all indicates the important role of a teacher and his strong influence on his students.

Therefore, while you make every effort to impart knowledge to your students, you should also try to infuse them with deep religious faith and strong belief in their own national and historical identity. You should try to strengthen their attachments to their own culture and history and their homeland by arousing their national zeal and patriotism.

Religious faith is a precious asset, because it ensures the salvation and prosperity of mankind. Science, as you all know, is beyond doubt the cornerstone of civilization, but science by itself cannot guarantee the formation of a civil society, and the outcome of science that is not combined with religious faith is what you can see in today's world.

Just see what science, which is very valuable in itself, has turned into at the hands of the arrogant powers, who have no respect for the rights of other nations and who disregard human and moral values! This is the fate of science whenever it is at the service of those who hold no religious beliefs.

Students and young people should be infused with religious faith and spirituality as well as with belief in their own national and historical identity.

I pray to Almighty Allah to confer success on you all and assist you in performing your duties. I also hope that our meeting today will prove beneficial to our higher education system and help us accomplish our academic objectives.

Greetings be upon you and Allah's mercy and blessings