Leader's Address to Olympic and Paralympic Medalists

The following is an abridgement of an address made by the Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei in a meeting with a group of Iranian Olympic and Paralympic medalists on October 5, 2004.
In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

I would like to express my gratitude to you, the dear sportsmen and athletic champions present here, for your remarkable achievements on the international arenas. Sporting champions are the symbol of national and Islamic identity of the Iranian nation.

Any one of our athletes who takes part in international sporting competitions and attracts world public attention in fact brings honor to our entire nation and introduces the Islamic and national character of our nation to the world. Therefore, your efforts on the sporting arena and the measures taken to promote sportsmanship in society are highly valued.

Today, sports and championships are used to display the talents and capabilities of nations. The Iranian medalists who shone on the international arena did a great job. However, even those Iranian athletes who did not obtain medals did their best, and appreciation should be expressed for their endeavors.

I personally express my gratitude to our sportsmen and champions, as they reflect the noble character of the great Iranian nation in the field of sports, and I believe their activities and perseverance are highly valued.

Another advantage of sporting championships is the promotion of sports in the country, both among those who have no physical handicaps and also among the physically challenged individuals. This is what I have often emphasized. When those who are physically challenged and suffer from disabilities engage in sporting activities, their diligence and perseverance will encourage and motivate other people to take part in physical exercises, which are quite essential. This is why you are setting a very good example for others to follow.

Another important and pleasant aspect displayed by the performance of our athletic champions is their faith and adherence to Islamic values. This is quite valuable in itself. The adherence to Islamic values is evident from the sporting activities of our physically challenged sportsmen and others who have no physical handicaps. When our athletic champion, in front of the eyes of millions or perhaps hundreds of millions of people across the world who watch him on television, kneels down or raises his arms to express his gratitude to the Almighty after achieving victory, What he does is not something trivial, as it conveys a message of spirituality to the world, despite the fact that billions of dollars have been spent with the intention of putting out the flame of spirituality in the world.

Over the past century, especially during the past few decades, the Zionists have spent huge amounts of money trying to undermine spiritual and ethical values and promote moral laxity, spiritual carelessness, disbelief and nihilism in different nations. When our sporting champions, whether they are wrestlers, weightlifters or other sportsmen, after achieving victory either kneel down before the Almighty, or raise their arms to express their gratitude to Allah or call the names of their religious saints, they are simply rendering all the huge amounts of money spent by the Zionists null and useless. Our champions are favored with divine assistance and inspiration.

You can see the attempts that are currently being made in the world to ban the women's Islamic dress. The countries that call themselves the cradle of freedom are doing everything to prevent Muslim women from wearing their traditional dress. Now, when our dedicated female athletes wearing the Islamic dress appear before the foreign television cameras, showing to the world that they adhere to their Islamic values, their action is more effective than all the negative propaganda and the attempts being made to do away with the Islamic dress.

I do not often watch sporting programs on television, since the excitement that is caused by watching these programs is not so good for my health. But I sometimes watch certain sports programs. The night that Mr. Hussein Rezazadeh, our weightlifting champion, presented his nice performance at the Olympic Games, I was watching the program on television. I watched both the snatch and the clean and jerk, which led to the setting of a world record. At that moment I realized how millions of people felt in our country. I expressed my sincere and heartfelt gratitude to this young athlete and conveyed my gratefulness right after his performance. I am also thankful to our other athletes and sportsmen.

My dear youngsters! Try to further boost the sense of spirituality and inclination to spiritual values in yourselves. Today, the whole world suffers from a lack of spirituality. Sometimes, a minor act that you do and which shows inclination to spirituality can be more effective than tens of books, articles or sermons in promoting and fostering spirituality. Try to make the most of this opportunity.

I pray to Almighty Allah to grant you further success. The Iranian people are pleased with and grateful to you. I entrust you to Almighty Allah and invoke divine assistance and protection on you. I hope you will all enjoy bright prospects and be crowned with greater honor and glory. I would also like to express my sincere appreciation for the valuable efforts made by your coaches and directors.

Surely if I had free time and if I were younger, I would join you in your athletic activities. But unfortunately, I am rather old and also very busy. Therefore, I just watch your athletic performances. I hope you will have greater achievements, and may more power be to your arms.

Greetings be upon you and Allah's mercy and blessings