Leader: Kurdish People Proud of Their Iranian Identity

 On the last day of his trip to Kurdistan province, Ayatollah Khamenei the Leader of the Islamic Revolution met this morning with the enthusiastic people of Saghez.

Ayatollah Khamenei expressed his appreciation of the vigilance of the people of Kurdistan and said: "The loyalty of the people of Kurdistan towards the Islamic Republic and the Islamic Revolution was an impressive reality which became more tangible for the Iranian nation as well as the supporters and enemies of the Islamic Republic."

Ayatollah Khamenei further referred to the two-dimensional plot hatched by the enemies of Islam and said: "The enemies of Islam are trying to create enmity between the Islamic Republic and other Islamic countries, and foment discord among followers of different religions and people from different ethnicities in the country."

He further said: "With their vigilance, the Iranian nation foiled this plot. And Islamic nations, intellectuals, and academics consider the Islamic Republic as a source of pride for the Islamic Ummah, although this plot was partly successful in some Islamic countries which are dependant on the arrogant powers."

He further stated that these realities are a source of failure and bewilderment for global bullying powers.

His Eminence said that the faithful and loyal people of Kurdistan are not involved in the hostile activities which are done by the enemies' mercenaries in Kurdistan. He said that there is now complete security in Kurdistan province thanks to the awareness and sacrifices of the youth of this province.

Ayatollah Khamenei further stressed the importance of awareness and vigilance among the people of Kurdistan and said: "We have received accurate information that the American forces have organized a plot and are supporting terrorism across our western borders through gathering intelligence, financing terrorist operations, and providing weapons. Therefore, all the Iranian people, especially the people of Kurdistan, should be vigilant in this regard."

Ayatollah Khamenei said that the main goal of the American forces who hatch these plots is to dominate Kurdish people and stated: "Even the Kurdish people who live outside Iran consider themselves to be Iranian, and are proud of this fact. But a small minority may ignore the dignity of Kurdish people and be lured into cooperating with the Americans. These people should know that their acts will only incite the hatred of other Kurdish people."

Ayatollah Khamenei referred to the problems and demands of the people of Kurdistan province and said: "Most of the demands which were made by elites, students, officials, Friday prayer leaders, and people of Kurdistan were logical. But some people are trying to make illogical demands which cannot be met. And this is not acceptable."

Ayatollah Khamenei said that the issue of unemployment is the main problem of the people of Kurdistan province and added: "This problem can be solved through the cooperation of the administration and investment in industrial and agricultural sectors."