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Hamas: Abbas participation in Peres funeral ‘great sin’

October 1, 2016 at 11:44 am

A Palestinian MP has strongly criticised the participation of Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas at the funeral of late Israeli politician Shimon Peres, Quds Press reported yesterday.

Speaking to Quds Press, Mosheer Al-Masri, representing Hamas, noted that Abbas’ participation in Peres’ funeral aroused huge anger among the Palestinians due to Peres’ “bloody history with the Palestinians.”

He added: “Abbas preferred to participate in Peres’ funeral than participating in the funeral of his aide Nimer Hammad. He preferred to participate in the funeral of the war criminal, child murderer…father of the Israeli nuclear weapon programme and leader of one of the Zionist gangs.”

Al-Masri continued: “This is a great sin and an insult to the Palestinian people and their martyrs who were killed by Peres.”

Commenting on the reason why he believes Abbas did this, Al-Masri said: “This is a form of political flattery to Israel. He seeks Israeli support in light of the local, regional and international wave seeking to oust him.”

He added: “Abbas failed to be a president for the Palestinian people, failed to maintain the unity of the nation and even failed to maintain unity within Fatah. Therefore, he is has past his expiry date and is trying to extend his political life by flattering Israel.”

Abbas took part in Peres’ funeral yesterday despite wide Palestinian criticism, even from senior Fatah leaders and PA security commanders.